Home Visiting

Comprehensive Home Visiting Services

You are your child’s first and most important teacher.

Encouraging education for early learners and their caregivers has never been easier than with our comprehensive at home visiting services. Being a parent can be the most rewarding—and challenging—experience in life. That’s why we are honored to help create important learning connections for both you and your child.

Home Visiting Program Options

Illustration of a baby wrapped in a blanket with purple accents

Early Head Start Home-Based Program

Once enrolled, families are assigned a Parent Educator that will come to their homes and bring parent-child activities that support the achievement of developmental milestones and will provide resources and referrals to families as needed. In order to qualify for this program, families would not be registered at one of our centers.

Illustration of a house with three people inside with red accents.

Prevention Initiative Center-Based Program

Once enrolled, Parent Educators are connected to infant, toddler, and two-year-old classrooms to support families with individual parent-child activities and resources, all while providing additional aid and referrals to families as needed. In order to qualify for this program, families would be based in one of our community childcare centers and/or Illinois Action for Children’s directly operated centers.

The Vital Role of Our Supportive Parent Educators

Key partners for your child’s educational journey

Parent Educators support family well-being, connections to community resources, goal-setting, and encourage strong socialization opportunities for the entire family. Our Parent Educators will partner with you, in your home (or one of our Early Learning Centers), in three key areas. They focus on three main areas when working with families.

Parent Educator Areas of Focus

Illustration of stacked blocks with various symbols on each block with yellow accents.

Child-Centered Parenting

One component of the Parent Educator role involves going to the family home with developmentally appropriate information and activities that parents can use to support their child’s milestone achievements through their third birthday. Any concerns will be treated with the utmost care.

Illustration of two hands, palms facing inward, with a purple heart hovering between.

Parent-Child Interaction

Parent Educators offer plenty of suggestions for parent-child interactions, along with ample opportunities for families to socialize regularly in group settings, allowing time for parents and children to just play together and observe milestones.

Illustration of two hands with palms facing inward, with a three person icon hovering between them with yellow accents

Family Well-Being

Our Parent Educators assist families in creating a calm environment for their children’s growth by offering visits in the parent’s home language when necessary. They also create opportunities for building community among enrolled families and provide additional tools to foster healthy interactions within the family environment.

Screenings: A Cornerstone to Your Child’s Education

Conducting regular child screenings helps us identify and address any potential areas of concern. IAFC’s Early Learning Programs administer the following child screenings at various intervals during a home visit:

  • Ages and Stages 3: Monitoring the child’s development. Administered every four months.
  • Ages and Stages Social Emotional 2: Screening tool focused on social-emotional development. Administered every six months.
  • Life Skills Progression: Family-centered assessment measuring parent and child interactions and family needs. Updated at least every six months.
  • Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of 29 observable developmentally supportive parenting behaviors called Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO™). Administered twice a year.

Review Parent As Teachers: Milestones by School Readiness Domain to learn more.

This website is supported by Grant Number 05CH011751 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Illinois Action for Children and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.