Early Learning Partners

Conveniently Located Early Learning Partners

Our trusted curriculum. Steps from home.

Your child’s early learning experience can be enhanced with one of our Early Learning Partners.

We recognize that our Early Learning Centers may not be conveniently located for everyone, but we’re eager to extend our beneficial services to as many parents and children as possible. We promise unparalleled beginnings to your child’s educational journey with our over a dozen partners. All of them offer the same research-backed curriculum as our dedicated centers. For eligible families, these programs are provided free of charge.

Early Learning Partner Site Directory

View the directory below for locations, contact information, ages served, and primary funding sources for each of our partner sites. Funding sources include Early Head Start/Head Start (EHS/HS), Preschool for All (PFA), and Prevention Initiative (PI).


Peques Wiggles and Giggles

6416 W. Ogden Avenue
Berwyn, IL 60402

Director: Jessica Robledo
Phone: 708.317.5415
Email: info@pequescenter.com
Ages: 3-5 (PFA)


Children’s First Learning Center

2204 E. State Street
Burnham, IL 60633

Owner/Director: Talina Watts
Phone: 708.832.1000
Email: tcpldaycare@gmail.com
Ages: 3-5 (PFA)

Franklin Park

Love and Learn

3537 Rose Street
Franklin Park, IL 60131

Owners: Lizette Terrazas
Priscilla Mcwheter
Director: Geselle Garcia
Phone: 708.862.4442
Email: info@loveandlearncenter.com
Ages: 3-5 (PFA)

Franklin Park

Small World Learning Center – East

2915 Maple Street
Franklin Park, IL 60131

Owner: Michael Dell’armi
Director: Jolanta Toren
Phone: 847.455.5437
Email 1: east@smallworldlc.com
Email 2: joalantajuren@smallworldlc.com
Ages: 3-5 (PFA)

Franklin Park

Small World Learning Center – Franklin

9750 West Grand Avenue
Franklin Park, IL 60131

Owner: Michael Dell’armi
Director: Mary Meijer
Assistant Director: Sharon
Phone: 847.455.1234
Email 1: grand@smallworldlc.com
Email 2: mary@smallworldlc.com
Ages: 3-5 (PFA)


Bright Start

1800 Ridge Road
Homewood, IL 60430

Owner: Dana Dotson
Director: Alana Rolling
Phone: 708.922.9000
Email 1: dana@brightstartchildcare.net
Email 2: alana@brightstartchildcare.net
Ages: Infants (PI)


A Step-Up Career Academy

2745 Bernice Road
Lansing, IL 60438

Owner: LaShaunessye Williams
Phone: 708.474.2511
Email: astepupdaycare@yahoo.com
Ages: Infant; 3-5 (PFA/HS)


Tiny Town

18144 Glen Terrace
Lansing, IL 60438

Owner/Director: Rachel Burgess
Phone: 708.895.6820
Email: tinytownoflansing@gmail.com
Ages: Twos (PI)


The Children’s Place Center

21591 E. Lincoln Highway
Lynwood, IL 60411

Owner: Talina Watts
Director: Lovie Carroll
Phone: 708.757.8468
Email: tcpldaycare@gmail.com
Ages: 3-5 (PFA)


Heavens Angels

3920 216th Street
Matteson, IL 60443

Owner/Director: Tracey Pace
Phone: 708.441.5411
Email: mspace106@icloud.com
Ages: Twos (PI); 3-5


Kiddie Scholars

1031 Kostner Avenue
Matteson, IL. 60443

Owners: Felicia Wallace and Mia Muhammad
Director: Irish Jernigan
Phone: 708.481.7190
Email: childcare@kiddiescholars.com
Ages: Infant and Toddlers (PI); 3-5 (PFA)


Tender Care

1901 S. 9th Avenue
Maywood, IL 60153

Owner/Director: Drena LaNier
Assistant Director: La’Drena Stiff
Phone: 708.450.9012
Email: tendercareelc@gmail.com
Ages: 3-5

Melrose Park

Honey Bear Daycare

2359 N. Manheim Road
Melrose Park, IL 60164

Owner: Wanda Guerra
Director: Amanda Guerra
Assistant Director: Lily Guena
Phone: 847.455.8687
Email 1: honeybeardaycare9@gmail.com
Email 2: wandaguerra@icloud.com
Email 3: lg20503@gmail.com
Ages: 3-5 (PFA)

Oak Forest

Bright Visions Academy

14804 S. Cicero Avenue
Oak Forest, IL 60452

Owner/ Director: Tanya Mckinney
Assistant Director: Nancy Young
Phone: 708.535.9392
Email: brightvisionsla@yahoo.com
Ages: Infants/toddlers (PI); 3-5 (PFAE)

Richton Park

First Step Childcare Center

22025 Governors Highway
Richton Park, IL 60471

Director: Laura Foster
Phone: 708.747.3000
Email: firststep22025@att.net
Ages: Toddler/Twos (PI); 20 HS/PFA

Richton Park

Kiddie Scholars Too

22323 Thomas Drive
Richton Park, IL 60471

Owner: Felicia Wallace
Site Director/Owner: Mia Muhammad
Phone: 708.898.0458
Email: childcare@kiddiescholars.com
Ages: Infants (PI); 3-5 (PFA)

South Holland

Little Eye N Steins

59 W. Sibley Boulevard
South Holland, IL 60473

Owner/ Director: Latoya Grooms
Phone: 708.566.1466
Email: little.eyensteins@yahoo.com
Ages: 3-5 (PFAE)

This website is supported by Grant Number 05CH011751 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Illinois Action for Children and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.